Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Module 5

Hi Brianne. I'm starting to work on the assignments for module 5.

For my lesson plan 2 I'm going to focus on the different type of materials that can be recycled (i.e. tin, plastic, glass, and paper) and somehow have the class collect data to find out what the class as a whole recycles the most of.

We are also supposed to update/add more information to our concept map. I still have 12 more days left to access my kidspiration trial so I don't think you will have to download it yet. But, if you have some ideas as to what to add/revise on our map I'm willing to change or add anything!

As far as the podcast assignment goes I'm not sure exactly what we want to do for that. But, we still have some time to think about it. If you have ideas on what we should talk about in our podcasts that would be great! But, there's no rush seeing as its only Wednesday.

Anyways, I hope this was some help/a good start to this week and I'm sure I will talk to you soon! :)


  1. Hey Taylor, that sounds like a really good lesson! For my lesson 2 I think I am planning on somehow trying to make a lesson plan to show how jobs are created from recycling. And as for right now I don't have any ideas to add to the concept map but maybe some will come up as I do this weeks assignment! And I am not exactly quite sure what I want to say yet in the podcast either. One of the concepts from the book that I wanted to incorporate into mine was using a virtual field trip but that is all i have really came up with so far! Talk to you soon!

  2. Hey ok so I wrote a script for my part of the podcast and since we have to have both of ours flow together I thought of a way you could start yours. (obviously you don't have to use it, its just an idea in case we were having a hard time making them flow together).

    here is what i'm going to say (its a little over a minute long):


    This month in class we have been discussing recycling. We have found that there are many different aspects of recycling. There are also various concepts that help us progress within our research and ideas for our recycling awareness project. Some aspects we have found to be extremely relevant to our data and research includes, the importance of creating recycling awareness and how recycling certain materials can benefit the environment. We have used many different concepts to help us with our project. By building an asset map we can organize our research and ideas about recycling. This way it is easy to clearly map out the different materials that are most commonly recycled in our community; for example plastic, paper, aluminum, and rubber. Another concept we have found useful is social book marking. By using this technique we are able to roam the web in order to search for new ideas that will help increase recycling awareness. Social book marking helps us clearly identify the benefits to recycling as well as meet others who are paying attention to the same aspects and ideas in and out of our community.

    in my script i touched on 2 of the aspects of recycling from our concept map:
    -the different materials that can be recycled
    -the key objectives of recycling

    the 2 concepts from the book that i discussed in the script were:
    -asset maps
    -social bookmarking

    i hope this is fine! i figured this way you could use the 2 aspects from our concept map:
    -benefits of recycling
    -the recycling companies
    (this way it would be easier to include virtual field trips as one of your concepts from the book)

    if you wanted to touch on different aspects not from our concept map i'm sure thats totally fine too! Here is just an idea of how you could start your podcast so both of ours flow together:


    By using technology we are also able to focus on many benefits of recycling. Virtual field trips helps us as students gain more knowledge about recycling by visiting local recycling companies in our community…

    keep in mind you totally do NOT have to use this, it was just an idea to help! I'm just trying to make this as easy as possible! :)

    Let me know how you feel about all this sorry if its confusing!

  3. Hey thanks so much that sounds great! I'll definatly start with that and when I'm finished typing my part I will post it up here as well!

  4. ok so here is what i wrote for my podcast! I changed around the beginning a little bit but I think I basically said the same thing that you wrote! So here is my script:

    Using technology further enhances what we want our students to learn about recycling. Virtual field trips are a great tool that we can use in the classroom for this project. Through virtual field trips we would be able to take our students on a field trip of an actual recycling company. Doing this would allow the students to see what actually takes place in a real recycling company. Having the students see the process of what happens to the materials they are recycling could really teach them a lot about recycling and recycling companies. A field trip like this would also show the students how many and what types of jobs are created from recycling. Using a concept such as virtual fieldtrips we are able to learn more about recycling because we are allowed to actually see and take a tour on what we would have otherwise read about. Another great way we have used technology as a part of our recycling project is creating digital stories with MovieMaker. From this tool we have two new digital stories on the benefits of recycling. Our digital stories on the benefits of recycling are a great way to open a lesson because it provides the students with a fun and interesting preview of what they will be learning. Digital stories are a great way to take the information we have learned on the benefits of recycling and turn them into a short movie for the students. We can even have the students create their own digital stories on any concept they wanted to pursue within the recycling project. Overall using technology has been a great way for us to learn and teach about recycling.

    I hope that sounds ok or flows! Let me know if you want me to change or add anything!! :)

  5. Sounds perfect! I submitted my podcast as group #4, podcast #1. Hope all goes well! Good luck! :)

  6. Ok great! Thanks, good luck to you too!
