Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey Taylor. I just created a new team gmail account for module 6/7 and created our website. Our account name is group.hayesholzer4 and the password is recycling. and this is the URL for the team website https://sites.google.com/site/group4hayesholzer/ I am also going to download inspiration tonight and try and come up with some ideas for our team website!


  1. Awesome!! I am just now taking a look at all of this but everything seems great so far! I'm sure i'll comment again soon! :)

  2. Hey ok so I'm trying to get the hang of all this so we can start working out our website. I see the URL for it and when i click it, it just says group 4 hayesholzer and then has an option for home or sitemap. Is there a way we are supposed to be able to edit it to make it into our website? I have some ideas for each page but I guess I'm just confused as to how to start this project/go about creating the website. Hopefully its way easier than I'm making it seem and I will continue trying to work on it! I'll talk to you soon :)

  3. hey I was confused about that too but then i clicked sign in on the bottom and signed in and then all the options for editing it came up! I was thinking on the homepage could just be an introduction to what our site is and what it's for so I can write something up and then show you if you want and maybe we could put our podcast on that page also.

  4. ok so when i clicked sign in on the homepage is said "the page you have requested is invalid" so maybe you could send me the URL for when you are able to edit the website? I have no idea whats going on with it! :(

    Also, I think your idea is great! I think we should make sure to add the concept map somewhere as well. In the example the concept map is in the introduction but we dont have to put it there if we dont want to. I just think it might be a good way to introduce our topic because it shows the different aspects of recycling we have been focusing on and then from there each page can be based off of one main idea on the map. for example:

    page 1 (introduction): concept map, podcasts
    page 2: benefits of recycling
    page 3: key objectives of recycling
    page 4: recyclable goods
    page 5: recycling companies
    page 6: conclusion (the podcasts could also work here as well)

    Let me know what you think! We can split these up too so its less work for both of us. Like you get the first three and I do the last three? It totally your call. Let me know how you feel I'm up for anything! :) Talk to you soon!

  5. GOOD NEWS! I figured out how to get to the editing option for the website! so just ignore the whole first paragraph I wrote last night. :)

  6. Ok good! and the page ideas you had sounded really good to me! And I think that is a good idea to put the concept map in the the introduction as well!

  7. Hey ok this is what I wrote for an introduction page. I dont know if this is what you were thinking of saying so if you want to change anything that's fine! But here is what I wrote if you think it's ok!

    Hello and welcome to our website focused on recycling!
    Our goal is to teach our students about recycling through a project based learning experience. As everyone across the nation is “going green” we want to teach our students about the whole recycling process, including what materials can be recycled, how they are recycled, the benefits of recycling and what is happening at recycling companies. Teaching through project based learning will allow our students to learn in a hands- on- way to answer their own inquiries about recycling.

    Our PBL recycling unit is also focused on learning through technology. We live in a digital age and we think that it is necessary for our students use technology as a resource in their learning experience. Therefore, many of the lessons in our unit involve using technology to enhance learning.

    To learn more about what we will be teaching specifically in this recycling unit we have posted a podcast below of what our unit includes.

    We also found it very helpful to create a concept map on all of the topics of recycling that we wanted to cover in our unit. This is the concept map we have created and will be referred to throughout our unit

  8. I am working on the recyclable goods, recycling companies, and the conclusion page right now. I think we should add the google map we created to the recycling companies page and for the recyclable goods page i added my lesson plan. i just need to figure out how to put all this information on the website in the right format so it looks like the example in the module. let me know if you figure it out :)

  9. The introduction sounds perfect!! I don't think we need to change anything. I will post what I'm going to say for the pages I'm doing before I post them as well. But the introduction seems good to me!

  10. Here is what I wrote for the recycling companies page:

    In order to have the students create more recycling awareness throughout the community, it is important to know local recycling companies. This way the students, their family, and friends can all become familiar with recycling programs in their area. Listed below are some recycling companies around Kalamazoo Michigan.

    Republic Waste Service
    100 E. North Street
    Kalamazoo, MI 49007

    Michigan Recycling Industries LLC
    765 East Vine Street
    Kalamazoo, MI 49001

    More recycling companies can be provided from the link under "Pick Up & Drop Off Services"

    It is also beneficial for students to not only know what can be recycled in their own community but it is also useful to be aware of the recycling programs and recyclable goods in other areas as well.

    To gain an understanding for recycling all over the world, we created a virtual pen pal assignment using googlemaps to help further students’ knowledge in recycling awareness.

    Here is what I wrote for the recyclable goods page:

    When teaching students about recycling it is important to know what materials can be recycled. Many materials are recyclable but it is also important to know what cannot be recycled. Below is a link that shows materials that are recyclable versus materials that are non recyclable.


    Since our main goal is to create recycling awareness we have come up with a lesson plan that will help students start thinking about what they are recycling at home and at school on a daily basis. We have found that tin, glass, aluminum, and paper were the top materials recycled by students in the classroom. Below is a link to our lesson plan and rubric for “What Do We Recycle?”


    Let me know if you want to add or change anything! :)

  11. Hey those both sound really great to me! and I'm trying to make it fit the format too so I'll let you know if I figure it out! Also for my second lesson plan is (which was on how recycling creates jobs)I don't know if we think that should go on the recycling companies page or on the benefits of recycling page, I guess either so whatever is fine!

  12. I think that would be great to add to the recycling companies page so if you want to generate the link from task stream and post it here I could definitely add it. Also, I was thinking of adding my digital story about the benefits of recycling to the conclusion page and I could incorporate yours as well or I think it could work under the benefits to recycling page as well.

  13. actually, i just looked at the concept map, i think your lesson plan might be really good to incorporate with the benefits or recycling page and your digital story might fit there as well. I feel like we might not even need a page for key objectives because basically that's what you covered in the introduction. So, if you just wanted to do the introduction and the benefits to recycling page that might work out well since we really only need to do 2 pages per group member anyways. Its up to you though, if you've already started/have ideas for the first 3 things I listed from the concept map before then that's great too! Its totally your call!

  14. That actually does make more sense now that I think about it! So yeah I'll do the intro and benefits page. Also don't we both have to add one more new thing to the website like a new digital story or lesson plan? I thought I saw that, if so do you know what you will be adding to it?

  15. I was thinking about making an instructional powerpoint and adding it to the conclusion section just to sort of wrap everything up. Do you think that sounds fine?

    Also, I was just looking at the requirements as well and I noticed we have to add the team blog URL and the 3 websites we evaluated with a brief explanation of what each is about. Should we just make that a new page right before the conclusion? If so, I can copy and paste my websites and a brief paragraph for what each is about to the blog or you could copy and paste your 3 websites/explanations and i'll make the page. Either way works for me.

    I think those are really the only things we need to add still besides the wmu logo to our first page. Other than that, I think we might be good and once we finish it all we just post it to the blog I think. What do you think about everything?

  16. Yeah that powerpoint sounds good to me. And yeah either way for the three websites is fine with me if you want to just paste yours to the website and then I can add it that's fine with me because I have to go to a picnic in a little bit so I might not be back for a little and then I can just add them both after I finish mine. Also I was trying to add a picture to the introduction and I'm not sure I am doing it right, did you add your under attachments?

  17. Oh and I also just remebered that I only have my part of the podcast so how do you think we should post those?

  18. Ok sorry I keep posting on here like crazy! But here is what I have so far for the benefits page.

    A main reason that we want our students to learn about recycling in the first place is because of all the benefits that recycling provides.

    Recycling ultimately makes the world we live in a cleaner environment. Recycling reduces the amount of landfills we create which are hurtful to our land, air and water.

    Here is a digital story on the effects of landfills on our environment and the benefits of recycling:

    Not only does recycling create a better environment it also creates more job opportunities which is a concept we really want our students to understand. Here is a lesson plan that we created where students will research and use excel to make the correlation between the amount of jobs created by recycling compared to the other ways of disposing our trash.

    Ok and then Should we put your digital story on this page too, wasn't it on the benefits? hopefully this looks ok so far

  19. Ok no problem! For the picture, when I was editing the page, in the far top left hand corner there's an insert option, once you click that there should be an image option and it should allow you to insert one. Hopefully I didnt make that too confusing. Let me know if you still cant get it.

    And for the podcast, I will work on putting mine on the website if it doesn't work I will try to figure something else out. Have fun at the picnic! I'll talk to you later! :)

  20. Hi Brianne!

    Just letting you know that I think that i finished everything. I was able to add my Podcast to the introduction page under attachments. I also made sure to write our names and group email at the bottom of each page we created. One of my pages didn't allow me to put it at the bottom for some reason so its at the top under the picture (i hope thats ok). Don't forget to add your podcast! :)

    All that has to be added is:
    -the wmu logo and the teacher standards to the introduction page
    -and your 3 websites from the web evaluations you did to the website page
    -once that's done we just need to post the link to this blog

    other than that i think we're done!!! :)

    Feel free to add or change anything you want to. I had fun working with you! I will probably check back on here at some point before its due tonight just to make sure everything is all good! I'll talk to you soon!

  21. actually i was wrong about the posting of the website. once its finished one of us just needs to post it under the link on e-learning. i'll talk to you soon!

  22. Ok I'm almost done. For my new thing I made an informational powerpoint on how recycling on a small scale relates to recycling on a large scale so I was just going to put that on the benefits page as well! hope that sounds ok and I added my three websites to the websites page and my part of the podcast so next I will add the wmu logo. and then I think that's it right? I'll go through the check list and look at everything again but I think were just about done! Talk to you soon :)

  23. Ok sounds good! I think thats everything so If you want just go ahead and submit it when you're done! :)

  24. ok I just finished up so I'm gonna go ahead and submit it!
