Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey Taylor. I just created a new team gmail account for module 6/7 and created our website. Our account name is group.hayesholzer4 and the password is recycling. and this is the URL for the team website https://sites.google.com/site/group4hayesholzer/ I am also going to download inspiration tonight and try and come up with some ideas for our team website!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Revised Concept Map

Module 5

Hi Brianne. I'm starting to work on the assignments for module 5.

For my lesson plan 2 I'm going to focus on the different type of materials that can be recycled (i.e. tin, plastic, glass, and paper) and somehow have the class collect data to find out what the class as a whole recycles the most of.

We are also supposed to update/add more information to our concept map. I still have 12 more days left to access my kidspiration trial so I don't think you will have to download it yet. But, if you have some ideas as to what to add/revise on our map I'm willing to change or add anything!

As far as the podcast assignment goes I'm not sure exactly what we want to do for that. But, we still have some time to think about it. If you have ideas on what we should talk about in our podcasts that would be great! But, there's no rush seeing as its only Wednesday.

Anyways, I hope this was some help/a good start to this week and I'm sure I will talk to you soon! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Google Maps Recycling Assignment

This is the link for our Google maps assignment. We wanted to put a place mark on several locations on the map, we placed one at the United States, Canada, Greece, Switzerland and Australia. For each of these locations we wrote under the place marks information about how that country recycles. By making a map like this it was easy to look at and compare and contrast how these countries are similar or different with recycling.

Virtual Pen Pal Assignment

Here is the link to the modified version of the VP assignment:


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hi Brianne! I started working on this weeks assignments and the first thing we need to do is work in our group to make an assignment that relates to our topic. I thought our assignment could be:

Compare and contrast differences and similarities of recycling habits between regions.

-Communicate with 5th graders from somewhere either in Canada or Europe
-Contact other students after researching ways we recycle here in the United States
-Questions students could ask/info. to share:
      *different/similar ways to recycle
      *different/similar recyclable products
      *different/similar recycling services
-When students get info. make a Venn Diagram and find the benefits of recycling awareness

So, just let me know your thoughts/ideas about this topic and everything that goes along with it. No rush. I will talk to you soon. :)